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Special Note: Our Gospel Music Sunday Service from May 19th is archived and available to watch along with the current online service. 
The congregational annual meeting was held Sunday October 13, 2024 in Fellowship Hall. 
The meeting agenda included the election for congregational council, endowment fund committee, nominating committee, Synod Assembly representatives, and three amendments to the constitution.
The newly elected and re-elected council members are:
President: Kathy LeMay
Vice President: Dave Swan
2nd year of a vacated 2 year term: Evie Moore 
2 year terms: Deb Studley, Dave Speidel
1 year terms: Bob Proehl, Fred Paulsen, Carol Aakhus 
Completing the 2nd year of a 2 year term: Danny Wheeler 
Thank you to our outgoing council members; Ken Dobson, Pat Sulander and Roger Jackson for their tireless efforts this past year, and multiple years of service in the past.
 Past Events:
September Music Event
The Benson Family Singers performed an inspirational evening of music on Saturday, September 21, 7:00pm.  The Benson family hails from Faribault MN and tours all over the United States bringing Bluegrass, Gospel and a little bit of Barbershop Harmony in their performance. Pete and Rachel Benson are professionally trained musicians. Together they tutored their children on various instruments including piano, banjo, mandolin and guitar - not to mention their great vocal harmonies. Proceeds from the evenings free will offering will help support the Lakeside Mission for Community Outreach.
Saturday July 27th:
Howlin' at the Moon 2
A Barbershop Harmony Night concert at Lakeside Community Lutheran  Church. Sixteen singers from around Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa performed a variety of music from old-time classics, swing and jazz. Proceeds to benefit the Crescent Lake Outreach program.
2024 Vacation Bible School July 8 through 12:
New this year; we partnered with Voyager Village Summerfest Activities.
Vacation Bible School was held in the morning, Monday through Friday and continued into the afternoon on Tuesday through Thursday with the activities at Voyager Village!!
Fourteen youth and a dozen volunteer adults enjoyed the week-long activities.
Wednesday June 19th:
WELCA ladies and friends enjoyed a lunch outing to Stout's Island near Birchwood.
Sunday June 9th:
A special welcome to Luther Park Bible Camp staff as they joined us for Sunday service at 10:00 a.m.
Camp counselors and the Executive Director shared worship and fellowship with us as we continue our long standing collaboration with the camp youth programs.

Saturday June 1st:
"Let's Reconnect Dinner"
Over 70 members and friends attended the gathering which featured a delicious chicken dinner. 
People were asking "when is the next dinner?"
Any volunteers? 
Sunday May 19th:
Back by popular demand:
Higher Vision led our worship service music with their brand of Southern Gospel Music. The uplifting music started early before the regular worship service!!
 The Season of Lent
 Join us for Good Friday service March 29, 2024 at 4:00pm
 and Easter Sunday service March 31, 2024 at 10:00am 
Explore the congregations goals for local ministry
on our "Leadership and Goals" page located on the
"About Us" tab.
 Fellowship Food and Fun
LCLC members and friends gathered to learn about Chinese New Year's cooking traditions on Saturday February 10th. The cooking class instructor was Chef Peter Kwong. The hands-on class got everybody involved in cooking while listening to Peter's story telling. Of course the class was concluded with dining on some authentic Chinese food. Delicious indeed!! 
 More pictures are in the photo album located in the "About Us" dropdown.  
Community Outreach
Volunteers from Lakeside Community Lutheran Church (LCLC) join other volunteers from several  area churches each month to distribute needed food items to area residents. Yellow Lake Lutheran Church coordinates the program and acts as the fiscal agent.
On January 18, 2024 just prior to the monthly distribution, LCLC volunteers gathered for a presentation of over $6,600 raised at LCLC for the distribution program.  
!!! Happy New Year !!!
Happy New Year! 
Ring in the new year at Lakeside Community Lutheran Church.
Sunday morning service is at 10:00a.m. - followed by fellowship immediately following the service.
The Season of Advent
Hope, Peace, Joy and Love
Join us for Sunday services to celebrate the birth of Christ, Jesus. 
December 3rd through December 17th at 10:00am; and December 24th, Christmas Eve; at 4:00pm. 
 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  - John 3:16
 Halloween 2023
A chilly evening did not stop the trick-or-treaters from enjoying a fun time at "Trunk or Treat". Over a dozen Trunks hosted approximately 100 youth to many treats. Indoor goodies included hot dogs, chips and warm apple cider to top off the celebration. A fun time was had by all.    

September Music Event
The Benson Family Singers performed an inspirational evening of music on Saturday, September 16.  Watch for upcoming musical events to get engaged with your fellow Christians in a wonderful way and support the Lakeside Mission for community outreach.

Download Flyer  Bensons.pdf
Craft, Quilt, and Bake Sale.  (including lefse)
The silent auction held Sunday, September 3 raised money towards shipping 250 quilts to World Relief in October.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Dawn Straub
Higher Vision enhanced our worship service with their brand of Southern Gospel Music on the 20th of August. Watch for more special music events in the coming months!
Quilters Make 24 Baby Quilts
Red Cross Blood Drive:
Congratulations! We overachieved on the Blood Drive!  Our goal was 31 pints of blood and we did 37!
Thank you to all that supported this event!
Below WELCA ladies from Lakeside visited the Benjamin House on Heart Island, Rice Lake, on June 26, 2023.  They also visited the Pregnancy Help Center in Rice Lake.  Then they had lunch.  They had a wonderful time and learned more about these two organizations which Lakeside contributes. 
 Nominate A Pastoral Candidate: Do you know someone who you would like to recommend as our new pastor? If so, please fill out the form on this link. Download Form. 
Bell Tower Rope. Ken Busby Jr. volunteered to replace the rope that goes to the bell in the bell tower at Lakeside Community Lutheran Church.  When he was about to get down from the tower, it started to sprinkle.  This photo is what Ken saw from the top of the bell tower.
Lakeside Community Lutheran Church presented a check for $5,000 to Deb O'Connell of Yellow Lake Food Distribution in November 2022.
Participants from left to right are: Mick Peterson, Barb Behan, Pat Sulander, Deb O’Connell, Daryl Sulander, Margy Rogers, MaryMargaret Montandon, Tony Kallas, Sandy Swanson, Rich Borseth.   
Below you will see some of our gentlemen, who loaded the mission quilts to take to shipping in October.  Present are:  Doug Straub, Pete Brace, Jim Studley, Mick Peterson, Bryan Dugstad.